How Better Team Building Can Help Your New Hire
So, you've just brought a new hire onto your team. That's great!... But now what?
As with any new addition to a company's team, it's your job to help the new hire feel like they are a part of this team, like they belong and they have something to contribute.So how do we help a new hire get involved?
The best way in getting your new hires involved is by already having a clear team building plan in place in your company. Fortune favors the prepared.
To help you prepare for new hires to your team, we have gathered 10 tips to help achieve a clear, concise team building model to follow. Implementing these tips will help your new hire hit the ground running from the very first day.10 Proven Tips to Improve Team Building Success:
1. Define Your Company Team Goals
A clear team goal can make the difference between a good team and a great team.
Think back to when you were first hired for the position you are in now. When you started, did your team have a clear goal in mind? If yes, how did that help you? How would you have improved upon it? If no, would it have helped you? Do you think you could have benefited from something like that?
For a new hire to come into a team of people who are all working towards the same goal, can put that hire leagues ahead of a hire that doesn't. Clear team goals gives your team something to strive towards, and it will give your new hire a clear path to follow right from the start.
Take a minute to really think about your goals, maybe even utilize your team to help you come up with goals so you are all on the same page. A 2008 study shows how setting clear goals can positively impact a team.
2. Review Team's Goals Progress Together
If you expect your team to make progress, then it is your job to go over that progress with them.
It's vital for your team to see the progress they are all making on each of the team goals. This is also a great time to to see the places they can improve in those same goals. You are all in this together, any success or failure belongs to all of you as a team.
How does this help your new hire?
What better way to bring your new hire up to speed than with an open and honest discussion about what's working and what isn't. Reviewing your progress together is a great way to show new hires what you expect of them, and how they can best help out their new team.
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3. Solve Team Issues Immediately
A new hire brings a completely new dynamic to your team, and with that, can come a handful of challenging issues. Be prepared for a period of time where both your new hire, and your existing team, will need to learn to accept this new variable, and work with it to achieve success in the team's goals.
As issues arise in your team, deal with these issues immediately. Never let a problem fester. It is a good chance that the issue will only get worse and worse, and could eventually damage your team irreparably.
Working through and solving challenging issues can also show your new hire that you care about them and their contribution, and that they are part of a team that's being led by someone who listens.
Plan ahead and have a clear action plan in place should any issues arise. The swifter problems are dealt with, the better your off team will be.
4. Celebrate Your Team's Achievements
When it comes to team building, positive recognition goes a long ways in supporting team members.
When your team reaches a goal, no matter how big, it deserves to be celebrated. Likewise, when a team member is making progress, that progress should be acknowledged by other team members. Specifically, show your new hire that they are appreciated, and that their hard work is not going unnoticed.
It's amazing what a little bit of recognition will do for an employees morale. Don't be afraid to reward hard work from any team member.
5. Break Your Team's Monotony
Get out of the office! Whether for lunch, a convention, or just a small business trip, getting out of the office can do wonders to break up the monotony of the day in and day out of your team members days in the best way possible.
Something as simple as eating outside the office can greatly improve your teams effectiveness. The office is a great place to get work done, but there is just no denying that it can get a little boring from time-to-time.
Having your team sitting at their desk all day may be necessary at times, but it isn't very great for team building. Keeping your employees locked up behind their desks can tank your employee morale. So why not get them out from behind that desk as often as possible? A quick employee lunch can do wonders to keep both morale and productivity up.
6. Embrace Diversity within Your Team
The more diverse your team, the more diverse your ideas will be. Each team member came from somewhere, and they each have a story. Why not utilize this diversity within your team? Great ideas come from all walks of life.
Diversity adds a whole new level of depth to your team, and with that comes a wealth of new ideas. For a new hire just starting out with a team, it can be a vital thing in their growth and participation. As a new addition to the team, seeing that all ideas from all walks of life, are accepted and encouraged can be inspiring. Seeing this diversity accepted and encouraged helps them to be more confident in themselves and in knowing that their voice will be heard.
7. Cross-Train Newly Hired Employees
Imagine having a car that, when something breaks, another part is capable of picking up the slack until you can fix it. A team is really no different than parts to a car.
If everyone just does only one job, you're setting your team up for failure. What happens when one team member is sick, or even leaves the team? You are left with out a functioning part, causing your team to grind to a halt.
Cross-training your new employees is vital to all team building. Not only will you have a back up in case of emergency, but you also have a way to help pick up the slack at the workplace. Having several employees trained to deal with an issue helps make sure no single employee is left feeling overwhelmed. Having that cushion of help, should it be needed, can be incredibly relieving for any team.
8. Allow Flexibility Among Team Members
The more rigid your team's system, the more likely it is to shatter. A firm grip at times may be necessary, but squeezing your team constantly will only result in disaster.
Allow some flexibility within your team and their responsibilities. Your team is only human after all and mistakes will happen and it won't be end of the world.
With a proper goal in mind, and a established process to handle issues, allowing some flexibility shouldn't be that difficult. Remember, you are working with your team. Allow a little leeway here or there when you can. Your team will be better off, and you'll be a lot less stressed at the end of the day.
9. Create a Collaborative Team Atmosphere
Where creativity and collaboration rains, a productive team will grow.
No idea is a bad idea, and it's important to remember that when considering team building. Few things will kill employee morale faster than feeling unappreciated. Your team needs to work together, and a collaborative atmosphere will facilitate that in the best way possible.
The term "Think Tank" refers to a group of people coming together, and collaborating on a great idea. The results from these Think Tank groups can be very rewarding. So why not have a few Think Tanks of your own with your team from time-to-time?
Being able to bounce ideas of one team member to another and brainstorm together will help your team to create innovative new ideas, and achieve those goals have. Always promote team collaboration and I think you'll be surprised with the creative results that come.
10. Set Clear Team Member Roles
Have you ever heard the saying "Too many cooks in the kitchen"? Well, it exists for a reason. Without clear team member roles you will have employees tripping over each other and stepping each others toes.
Having clear, defined team member roles will help your team members know what is expected of them on each specific project. Give your team members different roles that focus on their skills. Encourage team collaboration, but make sure it doesn't boil over into someone stepping outside their team member role.
These 10 tips will get you started towards great team building success and in welcoming your new hires into a highly functioning, well oiled team!
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