Articles: Employment Background Checks

By: Alyson Maxwell

Are You Using Background Checks?

In today's competitive job market, hiring the right employees is crucial for the success of your business! But how can you be sure you're making the best hire? Background checks are the only way to provide employers with insights into potential employees. Initiating and managing those background checks is not only tedious, but very time-consuming, plus there is the chance of running into compliance issues. That's where we come in... Skip the hassle with our seamless background check...

drug screening in workplace

By: Hillary Arveseth

Is Ongoing Drug Screening In The Workplace Important?

Drug use by your employees can cause a loss of productivity and job performance, workplace accidents and injuries, employee absenteeism, and high turnover. Continuous drug screening can help prevent the negative consequences of drug use in the workplace.

hr looking at resume with magnifying glass

By: Hillary Arveseth

ApplicantPro can do your background checks for you!

You owe it to your company to make sure you are hiring who you think you're hiring. ApplicantPro can help you verify that your applicant is who they say they are with our thorough background checks.

The FCRA and Hiring - What HR Needs to Know to be Compliant

The FCRA can have some of us sweating buckets. But don't get overwhelmed. With a little help, you can be navigating those FCRA waters with out any trouble.

By: Angie Rupp

Background Checks: How Compliant is Your Compliance?

We dive in deep into the world of background checks and tell you all you need to know about how to remain compliant when hiring a new employee.

By: Taryn Barnes

3 Ways to Safeguard Against Dishonest Candidates

Learn about the top 3 ways to safeguard your company from dishonest candidates during the hiring process.

EEOC and Background Checks Go Hand in Hand

Understanding EEOC guidelines before running background checks is very important. We take an in-depth look at why and how it affects your hiring process.

Ban the Box Legislation: How Does it Affect Your Hiring Process?

Whatever your situation may be, we hope this article can shed some light on the ever-growing, ever-changing Ban the Box movement.

Background Checks and the FCRA: What Employers Need to Know

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) regulates not only credit reports but background checks also. Here is what hiring managers should know about the FCRA.

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