How to Gain Better Visibility For Your Jobs on Indeed
With 300 million unique visitors each month Indeed delivers more hires than all other job sites combined. As the world's #1 job site, Indeed is a powerful tool for companies to find great talent. But, as an employer, are you doing your part to ensure your jobs are being seen by your ideal applicants? Join us as we unpack some of the most important things you can do to increase visibility on Indeed and get qualified job seekers to apply!
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the importance of quality job titles and how to properly utilize keywords.
- Discover the key piece to your job ad that has been proven to result in 30% more apply starts.
- Learn how to write an optimized job ad that will convert job seekers into applicants.
- Understand a few crucial guidelines to ensure you don't get banned on Indeed.
A quick disclaimer... We are a preferred partner of Indeed and do not represent, nor speak on their behalf. These tips are a compilation of what we have learned while working with our own 10,000+ clients, coaching from our incredible Indeed representatives, Indeed's published resources, and a whole love of trial and error. Nothing in this webinar is intended in any way to try to manipulate or trick Indeed's algorithm.
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Heidi Barnett
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