indeed sponsored jobs integration

Attract more qualified applicants with ApplicantPro's Indeed Sponsored Jobs Integration

Have you wondered what the best way is to get your job ads in front of the right people?

There are millions of people looking for work right now. BUT... there are even more employers looking to hire people for their open positions right now.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (1), there are currently more job openings than there are job seekers. There are over 11 million job openings as of January 2023 and 5.7 million unemployed people. This is not good for those that are hiring right now. We are in the middle of a major talent shortage... there are not enough people to fill all the jobs out there.

So how do you ensure that your jobs get filled? How do you make sure your jobs are being seen by those that are qualified to fill your open positions?

A very dependable and effective way to do this is to sponsor your jobs on Indeed!

What is an Indeed Sponsored Job?

5 Tips to Increase Visibility on Indeed

Learn how to optimize your job ads on Indeed to attract qualified applicants

Quite simply, an indeed Sponsored job is a paid job ad that will show up in relevant search results for job seekers. (The same idea as paid ads on internet search engines... think Google ads)

What are the benefits of sponsoring your job with Indeed?

There are many reasons why you should be sponsoring your job ads with Indeed, but here are the TOP 5 REASONS why you should be doing this...

  • Visibility! When you sponsor your job with Indeed, it will appear near the top of the search results visible to job seekers. When you post a job ad and don't sponsor it, the job ad starts falling to the bottom of the list almost instantly and it will get lost in the shuffle.
  • Indeed will sift out those applications that don't meet all your "deal-breaker" qualifications through personalized qualifying job questions, saving you time during your hiring process.
  • You only pay for the applications that fit your needs! After you look at an application, you have 72 hours to reject it if you don't like what you're seeing. Indeed will then replace it with a different one. You only pay for the applications that you keep.
  • "Employers are 4.5 times more likely to make a hire when they sponsor" a job ad with Indeed (2).
  • Instant Match! When you sponsor a job, you also unlock Instant Match. Instant Match is a feature where Indeed will search through millions of resumes to show you candidates that fit your job description.

When should I sponsor a job with Indeed?

You don't always need to sponsor your job, but there are certain situations where sponsoring your job on Indeed will be a great help!

If you need to hire right away, sponsoring your job will get it out in front of those who are looking. You can keep your ad up until you find the right fit for your job opening. But don't worry! If you need to pause hiring for any reason, Indeed is flexible and will allow you to pause, resume, or update your ad anytime!

If you are looking to hire for a specific region, this will make sure it's visible to those candidates who live in that region or are willing to relocate to that area.

And in a very competitive job market like we are seeing right now, sponsoring your job is the best way to be visible to the most job seekers out there. It's the best way to try to get ahead of your competitors and get job seekers to apply for your jobs!

Is ApplicantPro integrated with Indeed Sponsored Jobs?

Yes! As one of Indeed's Preferred Partners, ApplicantPro is one of the few Applicant Tracking Systems that can offer the Indeed Sponsored Jobs Integration. With this integration, you can sponsor job listings and manage sponsorship campaigns directly from within ApplicantPro.

If you'd like to learn more about Indeed Sponsored Jobs or to see how to get your company signed up for this amazing integration, please click below to set up a quick chat!

Let's Chat!


(2) Indeed Data (worldwide)

increase visibility on indeed

Improve your job's visibility on Indeed!

5 Tips to Increase Visibility on Indeed

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