Two Solutions. Same Incredible Results.

We offer specialized hiring solutions that will help ease the workload of attracting top talent and making the best hires. Check out our options below to find out how we can best support your hiring needs.

Applicant Tracking System

Applicant Tracking System

Be the HR mastermind running our powerful software to streamline your hiring process and increase your qualified applicant flow.

Learn More About ATS

Applicant Attraction Service

Applicant Attraction Service

With our full-service sourcing, our team of expert hiring specialists will help take care of the hiring nitty gritty that's fueling your talent engine.

Meet Your Personal HR Service

“Our experience with ApplicantPro has definitely been worth the money. They have saved our 1-person HR office a lot of time already and I look forward to learning more about their reporting system and supplemental services. Their CEO's supplemental videos provide bonus learning material and gives you a sense that you're an extended part of their family. We spent a lot of time researching systems before committing and they came out on top because of cost/benefit. They have proven themselves and we are not sorry for the decision made!

Marianne B


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Do you want to drive or let us take the wheel?

Great hiring is still the destination... We will help you get there.

Applicant Attraction System

Applicant Tracking System

Easily manage your hiring from start to finish with full control.

Applicant Attraction Service

Applicant Attraction Service

Serves as an extension to your company and hiring process.

check Powerful Applicant Sourcing check
check Automated Applicant Screening check
check Fully Branded Career Site check
check Mobile-friendly Online Application check
check Applicant Tracking and Communication check
check Product Integrations check
Access to an expert team of sourcing specialists check
We will write optimized job ads check
We will post your jobs to thousands of top-performing channels check
Our team will refresh your job ads every month check
We will screen applicants to highlight the best candidates check

Applicant Attraction System

Applicant Tracking System

Easily manage your hiring from start to finish with full control.

Powerful Applicant Sourcing check
Automated Applicant Screening check
Fully Branded Career Site check
Mobile-friendly Online Application check
Applicant Tracking and Communication check
Product Integrations check
Access to an expert team of sourcing specialists no
We will write optimized job ads no
We will post your jobs to thousands of top-performing channels no
Our team will refresh your job ads every month no
We will screen applicants to highlight the best candidates no

Learn More About ATS

Applicant Attraction Service

Applicant Attraction Service

Serves as an extension to your company and hiring process.

Powerful Applicant Sourcing check
Automated Applicant Screening check
Fully Branded Career Site check
Mobile-friendly Online Application check
Applicant Tracking and Communication check
Product Integrations check
Access to an expert team of sourcing specialists check
We will write optimized job ads check
We will post your jobs to thousands of top-performing channels check
Our team will refresh your job ads every month check
We will screen applicants to highlight the best candidates check

Meet Your Personal HR Service

You can't do it all... take some of the weight of hiring off your shoulders!

Whether you need a little help or all the help... Together we can make hiring your competitive advantage in today's war for talent!

Applicant Attraction System

Applicant Tracking System

Be the HR mastermind running our powerful software to streamline your hiring process and increase your qualified applicant flow.

Learn More About ATS

Applicant Attraction Service

Applicant Attraction Service

With our full-service sourcing, our team of expert hiring specialists will help take care of the hiring nitty gritty that's fueling your talent engine.

Meet Your Personal HR Service

Need help deciding which option is the best fit for your company's needs?

Successful hiring requires constant, proactive attention. Whether you want to be hands on or hands off... We're here to help.

  • Attract top talent to increase qualified applicant flow

  • Quickly communicate with applicants

  • Get to the top candidates faster

  • Hire the best people while reducing turnover

  • Generate an instant ROI

Schedule a Quick Call

Talk through your current HR challenges with one of our hiring experts to create a plan best suited for your needs.