Articles: Job Ad
Understanding Facebook Job Boards
Facebook is undoubtedly where you'll receive the greatest flow in applicants from a social media standpoint - if you're not already utilizing it, you're falling behind!
Time to Build Up Your Hiring Momentum
Are you prepared for the economy to open back up and what that will mean for the job market? Check out these tips to proactively build up your hiring momentum!
Recruiting Top Talent Starts With a Compelling Job Ad
Employees don't quit jobs... they quit managers. Here's 4 ways you can use that knowledge to recruit qualified applicants away from your competitors!
Trigger Warning: You're missing out on 99% of applicants
Applicant Flow x 2 - DOUBLE Your Applicant Flow Today! Implementing these small hiring practice adjustments will bring you BIG hiring results.
Data Study - What Hiring During COVID is Really Like
Considering all the recent events, some believe the hiring world is now the employer's market while the others believe hiring qualified candidates just got more difficult. But have you seen any of these opinions actually backed by data? Check out our recent data study and decide for yourself.
Combating the Applicant Flow Roller Coaster so You Come Out on Top
You can't keep doing the same things that you were doing pre-COVID and expecting the same, if not better, results. We're living in unique, chaotic, ever-changing times and the fact is... Chaos requires out of the box thinking. It's time to approach hiring differently with this 5-step plan.
Using PTO as Your Competitive Advantage
There are cost-effective ways you can stand out against your competitors in this war for talent without digging deeper into your pockets, and one of the most overlooked is PTO.
Growth Hack Your Qualified Applicant Flow with Keyword Optimization
Just because your job ad is on a job board, doesn’t mean it’s getting seen by qualified job seekers. Keyword research can be KEY to getting your job ads out to qualified applicants.