Articles: Increase Applicants
Attracting Qualified Candidates in the Right Places
Considering the sky-high unemployment rates... why aren't you getting applicants for your jobs? -- The fact of the matter is, they're most likely not looking. It's time to switch up your hiring approach and attract qualified candidates by using your strengths and differences to your advantage.
Where Do You Sit On the Battlefield For Talent
Let's be honest, we're not facing a 'talent shortage'. There are a ton of talented job seekers out there -- but companies are all in the same battle to win them over. Knowing how you compare to your competitors is the key to knowing where you sit on the battlefield for talent.
The Most Overlooked Source For Qualified Applicants
While taking look into which sources are the most powerful in their ability to convert applicants into hires, I found that job seekers who applied through company career sites, were 8x more likely to be hired!
Using PTO as Your Competitive Advantage
There are cost-effective ways you can stand out against your competitors in this war for talent without digging deeper into your pockets, and one of the most overlooked is PTO.
Growth Hack Your Qualified Applicant Flow with Keyword Optimization
Just because your job ad is on a job board, doesn’t mean it’s getting seen by qualified job seekers. Keyword research can be KEY to getting your job ads out to qualified applicants.
Track Your Sourcing Power Like a Growth Hacker
To continue our growth hacker series... Today we'll be walking through a step by step process that allows you to increase the number of people viewing ads from your best, most powerful sources.
The Best Source for Qualified Applicants
In this war for talent, the best source for finding qualified applicants is right under your nose! Learn how you can encourage existing employees to identify and recruit quality talent for your organization starting TODAY.
Getting Creative with Your Hiring Process
The fight for talent isn’t necessarily finding a gem in the 3.5% of unemployed nationwide, but finding employees that are disconnected as they’re working for your competitors. The talent is there, and people are looking, you just need to attract it.