Articles: Hiring Software

By: Angie Rupp

Three Steps to Writing a Killer Job Title for Your Ad

Are you writing the best job title possible in your ad? Following these three steps will help you make the most of your next ad.

By: Taryn Barnes

Workplace flexibility – Attracting (and winning) talent

Workplace flexibility, behind salary, is the second most desired 'perk' applicants look for. Here are a few idea on how to use flexibility to win talent.


Improving Workplace Culture

Improving your employer culture can lead to higher employee satisfaction and more productive work environments. Find out how connect the culture dots here.

healthcare employee excited about working in medical career

By: Caleb Larkin

How to Find Effective Employees in the Healthcare Industry

Recruiting healthcare employees poses unique challenges that HR professionals elsewhere don't face. Find out best healthcare hiring practices here.

use pre employment tests find great job applicants

By: Callie Hansen

What is a Pre-Employment Test?

In this article, learn why pre-employment tests are a useful tool for narrowing your applicant pool and screening applicants during the hiring process.

By: Angie Rupp

Not All Applicants Want to Work for You

Think like a marketer: not all applicants want to work for you. Here are two things you need to do if you want to start targeting the right job seekers.

By: Callie Hansen

What is an Applicant Tracking System (ATS)?

Learn about the most important things you need to know about applicant tracking systems and what it can do to help you streamline your hiring process.


Affirmative Action Plans: What You Need to Know

There's a lot to know and learn when it comes to Affirmative Action Plans. In this article we lay it all out and tell you exactly what you need to know.

Trying to compare Applicant Tracking Systems?

This buyer's checklist will help you weigh all of your options!

Get My Checklist

Curious what ApplicantPro is all about?

Find out how we can help you streamline and optimize your hiring process!

See a Demo

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