Articles: Hiring Process

hr team hiring a qualified applicant

By: Hillary Arveseth

What are you doing to prevent bad hires?

There is a big problem with turnover right now. A lot of that can be prevented starting with the hiring process. If you make sure you are following these 6 steps to make good hires, you can reduce your risk of turn over by 69%

increase jobs visibility on indeed

By: Jess Tesch

How to Increase Your Job's Visibility on Indeed

With 300 million global unique visitors every month Indeed is the world's #1 job site to attract qualified applicants. Here are 5 ways you can optimize your job ads and increase your visibility on Indeed

hr holding up book with question mark

By: Ryan Kohler

What is your hiring theme?

What is your approach to hiring? Do you have a theme? Don't just keep doing what you've always done. You either need to throw money at the issue or you need to start focusing on what your job seeker is looking for.

network of applicants

By: Ryan Kohler

How to build a pipeline of Qualified Applicants... even when you're not hiring

Do you have a pipeline of qualified candidates ready to go when you have a hiring need? Tips on how to build a pipeline, including a recommendation to have a good ATS!

employee excited to share jobs

By: Ryan Kohler

Generate Phenomenal Results With Your Employee Referral Program

There's proven value in employee referral programs. Double your applicant flow and increase employee engagement. You will far surpass your job board results!

leaping forward to a new job

By: Ryan Kohler

3 Steps to Get Direct Interest Followers to Work for YOU!

You may be missing out on one of the highest quality sources of applicants. Direct interest followers are a great source for qualified, fit, eager candidates.

HR learning recruiting basics

By: Ryan Kohler

Use Marketing Basics to Recruit Qualified Applicants

Hiring is just marketing! -- This popular marketing strategy will improve you hiring approach and generate more qualified applicants for your jobs.

hr policy book for hiring manager

By: Ryan Kohler

10 HR Best Practices Hindering Your Qualified Applicant Flow

In the current job market, best practices aren't working! -- Here's what you should be doing to attract qualified applicants.

Trying to compare Applicant Tracking Systems?

This buyer's checklist will help you weigh all of your options!

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Curious what ApplicantPro is all about?

Find out how we can help you streamline and optimize your hiring process!

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