Receive a $100 credit when you sponsor a job on Indeed with ApplicantPro
Credit applies only to new advertisers.
Why Sponsor with ![Indeed logo](
Faster Hiring
Promote your jobs in minutes on Indeed, the world's #1 job site. 1 Sponsoring provides extra visibility for your harder-to-fill roles and is 3.5X more likely to result in a hire.
Control Your Costs
No long-term contracts, subscriptions, or upfront fees. You’re completely in control and can pause or close your job at any time.
Better Job Visibility
Sponsoring your jobs gives you more exposure to quality candidates on Indeed. 2 With over 250 million visitors, Indeed delivers more hires than other top job sites combined.
Unlock Instant Match
Candidates you invite to apply through Instant Match are 3x more likely to apply to your job than those who only see it in search.3
1 ComScore, Total Visits, September 2021
2 Indeed Google Analytics
3 Indeed data (US)
Claim Your Credit!
Fill out this form to claim and use your $100 Indeed credit.
Common Questions About This Offer
What if I don’t qualify for the $100 credit from Indeed?
You deserve a little something, too! We’re offering 2 free Background Checks to those who don’t qualify for the Indeed Promo. Talk to your account rep to learn more. (Limitations apply)
What happens after I use up my $100 credit?
You can pause or close your job at any time! If you’d like to continue sponsoring your job or wish to sponsor a new job, you will be charged based on the Sponsored Job Budget.
*Credit expires one year after promo redemption. Credit applies only to new advertisers. Upon credit expiration, users are charged based on the Sponsored Job budget. Terms, conditions, and quality standards apply.